Sunday 6 November 2016

YEAR 12 Friday 4th Nov 16.

Today's session considered the moment in CHAPTER FOUR when Gatsby introduces Caraway to Wolfshiem. The class were asked to consider why Fitzgerald introduces this character. Recent essays have not lacked effort but our consideration of Fitzgerald's aims need to be far more convincing. Class discussion considered Fitzgerald's possible intent when introducing this ruthless and seemingly psychotic beast!!
The final section of the session was a 15 minute one paragraph response to the question:
Why is the introduction of Wolfshiem significant in Chapter 4?

HOMEWORK: READ CHAPTER 5. I will also be discussing the moment in CHAPTER EIGHT when Gatsby discusses why he loves Daisy. This is a key moment. Read it and be prepared for a class discussion. DO YOU THINK GATSBY REALLY LOVES DAISY? WHY DOES HE LOVE HER? WHAT IS FITZGERALD'S AIM HERE?

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