Thursday 3 March 2016

YEAR 13 Wednesday 2nd March 2016

This session consisted of the Fat Bloke offering the usual Hull accent-based reading of Marlowe's Faustus. The last session considered the significance of the penultimate scene and explored the symbolic significance of the Old Man. Today's session contained a reading of the final scene and students were encouraged to compare the defiant death of the Old Man with the helpless fear and terror that Faustus experiences before he is dragged screaming into his eternal hell. Students need to be aware of the need for this final scene to be visually dramatic and shocking. Imagine witnessing a character being dragged to HELL in the 1590s!! This should be a terrifying conclusion to the play.
The class were asked to consider the symbolic significance of soliloquy, the fact that Marlowe subverts the narrative expectation of the morality play, the significance of Faustus' final words [..I'll burn my books. Ah, Mephistopheles!], and the significance of the final Chorus.
It is really important that students listen to an audio version of the play or grab a video of performance as, obviously, reading the play in E4 is hardly the most appropriate way to appreciate the genius of Marlowe.

HOMEWORK: Students need to be creating second drafts of the coursework. Students also need to keep visiting Marlowe's magnificent play.

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