Saturday 5 March 2016

YEAR 12 Monday 7th March 2016

Today's session considered the significance of symbolism within the novel. Fitzgerald clearly shapes meaning through symbolism therefore students need to be aware of this authorial method. This session asked groups to consider key symbols and explain how this symbol allows Fitzgerald to shape the key ideas within the novel.

HOMEWORK: The next session will present an essay to be completed for homework. The essay will be a consideration of symbolism therefore students need to guide their reading towards this aspect of authorial method.

These resources can be applied to themes and issues being explored within THE GREAT GATSBY:
I don't believe a word that escapes her mouth but the sentiment is...WE NEED MORE LOVE AND KINDNESS...Hilary Clinton speech:

President Obama reacts to Trump's popularity.

Bernie Sanders' SUPER TUESDAY speech:

Bernie Sanders' promo material. This is called 'PROGRESS':

The President We Need...more Bernie promo material:

The President we've been waiting for...more Bernie promotional material:

The Koch Brothers Documentary...obviously this is a very subjective film that is incredibly critical of the Koch brothers:
News item exploring influence of the Koch Brothers:

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