Wednesday 5 March 2014

YEAR 13 LESSON FORTY-ONE [5th March 14]: Homework

The aim of this session was to explore issues relating to the penultimate scene of the play. This is the scene with the OLD MAN who is a key symbol within the play. Class discussion considered how Marlowe uses this character to represent the power of faith and amplify the weakness of Faustus. The Old Man attempts to discourage Faustus from ending his own life,encourages Faustus to rediscover his faith and is murdered by demons on the instruction of Faustus!! Class discussion also explored the significance of Faustus 'snogging' a demon! THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT, CONTROVERSIAL AND SHOCKING SCENE.
Students were also encouraged to consider the value of this play for a secular twenty-first century audience. If the religious context is removed from this play, what is its meaning? There were some excellent comments relating to a modern audience viewing the play as deeply symbolic and the demons representing the negative features of human nature. The themes of ambition and power are timeless themes and ensure that a modern audience would still be engaged by this text. The idea that the devils could appear in smart suits and represent the 'banking industry' was a particularly popular interpretation. THIS IS A PLAY THAT EXPLORES THE THEME OF GREED.
HOMEWORK: Read/Listen to/Watch the final scene. How does Marlowe want the audience to view the death of Faustus? Is Faustus a sympathetic character at the end of the play? I expect a robust class discussion to rock Friday's lesson.
Today i made reference to a TV series from my childhood called CAPTAIN SCARLET. Just like the OLD MAN, he is indestructable. Click on link to view intro. It is it any wonder my generation is a bit odd?
Here in the theme tune...classic. We will be singing this in our next lesson:

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