Thursday, 19 January 2012


As we are about to force our literary teeth into the work of Coleridge and engage with the magnificent psychedelic jewel that is THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER, students should digest the detail offered within this wonderful documentary series. The series was broadcast by the BBC in 2005 and provides an overview of the period that is known as the era of THE ROMANTICS. Coleridge is often regarded as being part of this group that also includes Wordsworth, Blake, Mary Shelley, Clare, Keats, Percy Shelley and Byron. I offer this resource as it will provide students with information relating to the historical context of this famous period of literary creativity. This will be very useful when discussing the thematic content of TROTAM and considering author's aim. Furthermore, each episode is visually stunning in a filmic attempt to reflect the imaginative nature of 'so called' Romantic Literature. This is a treat for any student or teacher or human genuinely interested in Literature. Click on the links below:

Don't fear Peter Ackroyd's moustache. He may resemble a walrus but he knows his literature.
The FIRST EPISODE provides a wonderful historical overview of events that influenced Coleridge. Students need to be aware of the social/political/artistic/philosophical context that helped shape Coleridge's work. Try and watch the first episode before Monday's lesson.

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