Monday 7 November 2011

YEAR 13 LESSON EIGHT [4th Nov 11]: Homework.

Students were introduced to Christopher Marlowe's 'The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus'. Students were introduced to The Chorus and Act 1 Scene 1 and the class discussion considered the thematic nature of the introduction and the shocking 'blasphemous' behaviour displayed by Faustus. The fact that Faustus is so critical of the bible ['divinity adieu'] is a shocking aspect of this sixteenth century text. It is thought the play was first performed in the 1590s. Students need to be aware that this is a controversial and dramatic opening scene that is comparable with Victor's 'profane' behaviour in Frankenstein.

The second session was an exploration of how Shelley creates a sense of sympathy for the creature in chapters 10 and 11. The ArchdeaconOfNonsense read sections of the text and bullied a response from the class. As ever, class response was magnificent.

HOMEWORK: Read the whole of the creature's narrative and pay particular attention to the symbolic nature of the DeLacey family. How does Shelley use the DeLacey family to humanise the creature?

Students should also have selected their text for the Anthology coursework. I will be discussing the coursework at the beginning of the next session.

A free download of Marlowe's Faustus is available from i-tunes.It is not a fantastic reading; in fact it is rank. Really dire. BUT IT IS FREE! There is a much better i-tunes download available for £2.49. The choice is your own.

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