Monday 28 November 2011

YEAR 12 LESSON ELEVEN [28th Nov 11]: Homework.

Students were asked to consider the question: How does Fitzgerald shape Nick's narrative to create a sense of sympathy for Gatsby?
The class discussion centred upon Nick's attempts to reassure Gatsby at the conclusion of the novel and Nick's attitude after discovering that Daisy was driving the car that killed Myrtle and that Gatsby plans to protect Daisy. Prior to receiving this information, Carraway had been quite hostile. Why does Fitzgerald present Carraway in this way?

Students were then asked to consider the exam question:
Students were asked to consider the following areas of the text when responding to this examination title:
  • How Fitzgerald shapes Nick's narrative to create a sense of sympathy for Gatsby.
  • The significance of music [Mendelssohn's Wedding March and Jazz] and the contrast with the silence in the hotel room. How does this help Fitzgerald create dramatic tension and explore key themes?
  • Daisy's reaction to the discovery that Gatsby is a 'bootlegger' and how this links to theme. How does Fitzgerald use Daisy to create dramatic tension and what is so significant about Daisy's reaction? Remember, we looked at some of Daisy's key quotes in this lesson.
  • How does Fitzgerald use the death of Myrtle? What themes are being explored through this symbolic moment and how does Fitzgerald use this moment to create a sense of dramatic tension/expectation? Symbolic significance of the car? Author's aim?
  • How significant is the reaction of Tom when realising Daisy loves Gatsby and later when he has regained his authority? How does he 'defeat' Gatsby? What theme is Fitzgerald exploring through this narrative development? Is Gatsby finally revealed?
  • The purpose of Michaelis the 'priciple witness at the inquest'. How does this narrative shift help Fitzgerald create a sense of narrative expectation?
The lesson concluded with a brief discussion but I would have liked another 30 minutes to really explore the possible content of this essay.

HOMEWORK: Construct a three paragraph response with conclusion in response to the exam question: Write about some of the ways Fitzgerald tells the story in Chapter 7.

I will be posting a download tomorrow so watch this space. The download will offer guidance notes for this essay. The notes will be detailed as I feel that this is a challenging task and we never had time within the lesson to explore all the issues that relate to this response. All the guidance you will require will be included in my guidance structure and notes. If you have any issues with this essay, drop me an e-mail or visit me in the Dept.


  1. Hi,
    Could we have those notes please? Essay writing needs to begin!
    Many thanks,
    the westwood elk.

    (dam it says my name at the bottom...)

  2. hi,
    just wondering if these notes will be on the blog soon?

  3. Please can you put the notes up?

  4. The aim of today's lesson [5th Dec] was to provide a more precise overview of the essay. I will provide some additional guidance notes on Tue/Wed but students should now have the ability to offer a detailed and precise response.
