Thursday, 16 September 2010


T.S. Eliot is considered by many literary critics to be the greatest poet of the twentieth century. This is the man that created 'Prufrock.'

The link below will guide you to the first section of the Arena BBC documentary exploring the life and work of T.S.Eliot. This is a stunning documentary that includes commentary from some of literature's most famous voices. Parts 3 to 6 deal with Prufrock and The Wasteland. The documentary has been uploaded to You Tube in eleven episodes. Click on link below to access the first of the eleven You Tube segments:

Why bother studying Eliot?

Eliot is believed by many writers and critics to be the most influential poet of the twentieth century. His 'The Wasteland' is considered a revolutionary literary text. Furthermore, his influence as a publisher with Faber and Faber and his decisions and opinions relating to the publication of an author's work had a monumental influence on what was considered 'valuable' literature.

Click on link below to hear a recording of Eliot reading 'Prufrock':


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