Tuesday, 28 September 2010

MR.STEVENSON'S YEAR 12 LESSON [Tues 28th Sept 10]: Homework.

Students were encouraged to explain/explore Auden's technique and how this use of technique is used to shape meaning in his 'September 1st 1939'. Students were asked to reflect upon the poem before leading into group feedback.

This was followed by the 'Fishing 4 Tragedy' segment of the lesson. Students were encouraged to 'Fish' Scene One of ' A Streetcar Named Desire.'

HOMEWORK: Students must develop extended notes relating to 'Streetcar' for feedback in the next lesson.

BigSkyMr.Solitude [akaThe Wurzel].



  1. erm is this actually for year 13?


  2. ermmm..no..this is for mr.stevo's year 12 group who are indeed studying auden and williams. there are two groups in year 12.mlr's notes will appear tomorrow. we are the fitzgerald/shakey/coleridge group.
