Friday 20 January 2017

YEAR 13 Monday 16th Jan 2017.

The Winter break is over, mock exams have been attacked, and now we begin again. This lesson looked at the characters of HARTHOUSE, BITZER, and STEPHEN BLACKPOOL. Class discussion  considered how Dickens uses these characters to shape meaning. Bitzer is an interesting character as he is used by Dickens to illustrate the 'success' of the Utilitarian educational system in a creative but accessible manner.

HOMEWORK: Complete ONE paragraph of writing linked to either HARTHOUSE, BLACKPOOL, or BITZER. Consider how Dickens uses character as a symbol to present his ideas. What is Dickens attacking and why? How is Dickens using these characters? What do they symbolise?

Title: How does Dickens use the character of ????????? to shape meaning?

I expect students to construct a detailed A Level quality response. The paragraph should contain:

  • Opinon
  • Textual reference
  • Explain how textual reference supports opinion.
  • The final section should be a mixture of author's aim, question focus, and historical context. This is the section of the paragraph that proves that you are engaging with the text.

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