Saturday 25 January 2014

YEAR 13 LESSON THIRTY-THREE [24th Jan 14]: Homework

Today's session considered Scene Five of Marlowe's 'The Tragedy of Dr. Faustus'. We discussed the vulnerability that is expressed by Faustus at the beginning of the scene before stating:
To him I'll build an altar and a church,
And offer lukewarm blood of new-born babes."
Imagine how controversial this statement was in the 1590s!! It is still controversial in 2014!! THIS IS AN EXTREMELY CONFRONTATIONAL AND CONTROVERSIAL PLAY.
After reading Scene Five the class discussed how Faustus and Mephistophilis are presented in this scene as Marlowe appears to develop both characters. The characters DEFINITELY offer a different shade of their character in this scene. Class discussion suggested that the vulnerability and doubt shown by Faustus at the beginning of the scene HUMANISES Faustus and possibly results in him being perceived as a more sympathetic character. Students also suggested that Mephistophilis is a less sympathetic character and that Marlowe represents the 'demon' as a manipulative and powerful figure in this scene.
Students need to be aware of the symbolism that is offered by Marlowe and obviously this scene is deeply symbolic. Class discussion considered why Faustus is unable to use his blood to complete the contract. Why is this symbolically significant? What is the significance of the words that appear on the arm of Faustus? The significance of Faustus wanting a wife? Why does Faustus ask a demon for a 'wife' when the wedding ceremony is linked to the sanctity of God?

HOMEWORK: Students need to watch-read-listen to the play. Next week we will be slapping the Pope and exploring the significance of the appearance of THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS! Students should be familiar with SCENES 6 and 7 when next our lives collide. We will also be discussing the coursework.

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