Wednesday 27 November 2013

YEAR 12 LESSON TWENTY-ONE [27th Nov 13]: Homework

Tuesday's session was postponed and today the aim of the session was to bully students into a consideration of the significance of Chapter Six. The session considered the significance of Dan Cody and the influence that this character had upon the young Jay Gatz, the reason for Daisy being 'offended' by Gatsby's party, the significance of the 'horse moment', and the importance of the references to 'the past' that occur toward the end of the chapter. We also ate sweets, talked about The Smiths and discussed sleep-walking. Kate was late.
Class response...eventually...was good. The session concluded with a brief consideration of why Fitzgerald begins Chapter Seven with references to heat and why Gatsby reacts as he does when inside the Buchanan house.

HOMEWORK: Complete a critical paragraph in response to the question:
Why is Gatsby's reaction to Carraway's belief that 'YOU CAN'T REPEAT THE PAST' so important?
I expect students to produce a one paragraph response that follows the the usual paragraph structure:
  • Opinion.
  • Textual reference.
  • Explanation of how textual reference supports opinion.
  • Consideration of question focus and author's aim. THIS IS THE FUSION MOMENT.
When producing this written response students need to consider how Gatsby's comment allows Fitzgerald to present ideas relating to the American Dream and America's past? What do we learn about Gatsby? Does this comment present Gatsby as a sympathetic character or a delusional fool? What does Gatsby represent? Is Gatsby a symbol? What are the opinions and ideas being shaped by Fitzgerald through the character of Gatsby? Why would Carraway admire a man who appears to be trapped in time? Student response needs to be brief but detailed.The consideration of  AUTHOR'S AIM needs to be coherent and precise.Students also need to read Chapter Seven. This is a MASSIVE chapter therefore students must come armed next week with some opinions. The following questions should be used to direct a critical reading of this chapter:
  • What is the significance of the heat?
  • What is the significance of Gatsby's reaction when inside the Buchanan house?
  • Why is the line 'she had told him that she loved him' so important?
  • How does Tom react when he perceives Daisy's 'look'?
  • How does Fitzgerald suggest that Tom will be humiliated and how does he allow Tom to humiliate Gatsby?
  • How does Fitzgerald create a sense of dramatic tension in the Plaza Hotel?
  • How significant is music in this chapter?
  • What is the significance of Tom's tears?
  • At the end of the chapter, is Gatsby a heroic figure?
GET READING LIT FREAKS. See you next week.

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