Monday, 13 December 2010

YEAR 13 LESSON TWELVE [13th Dec 10]: Homework.

Students considered the significance of chapters 16/21. Specific focus was placed on Victor's description of himself [..' unparalleled suffering...detested toils...haunted by a curse that shut up every avenue to enjoyment..i am a blasted tree...wrecked humanity...hopeless...miserable self..etc] and the significance of The Orkneys as a symbol of psychological isolation.

Students were also asked to consider the representation of Science and the significance of the blurred boundaries between dreams and reality in Chapter 21 when Victor is trapped in Ireland accused of murder.

Homework: Read the concluding paragraphs of the novel. We will be discussing the Anthology next week so revisit the metaphor section.

Apologies for far too many confusing and cynical comments directed at the X factor...but 20 million....karaoke nonsense...bread and circuses.....where is the soul?....keep the people stupid...high pants....moan...moan...mutter....mutter.

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