Wednesday, 6 October 2010

TWO POEMS FOR NATIONAL POETRY DAY. Thursday 7th October 2010.

This poem was written by JOHN COOPER CLARKE, the great bard of Salford. I had been alive 15 summers when I first heard this poem. Since first hearing this delightful lump of fury, I've been alive considerably longer than 15 summers and this still sounds delicious. Ladies and gentleman, to celebrate National Poetry Day, I offer a poetic treat. Canonical text? Apparently John Cooper Clarke was writing about a British Prime Minister. Click on link below to hear JCC performing his epic rant:


Mr.Stevenson's selection for National Poetry Day is 'Aubade' by Philip Larkin. Larkin's poem is a terrifying, realistic and strangely beautiful representation of impending human oblivion:

' emptiness for ever..... The anaesthetic from which none come round.'

Click on link below to access the text of the poem:

Click on link below to hear Larkin read 'Aubade':


So what's your favourite poem?


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