Monday, 27 March 2017

YEAR 13 Mon 27th March 17:

Today's session discussed the final section of Harrison's V. Class discussion involved a consideration of the significance of the media images within the poem and the significance of the epitaph. Students were encouraged to consider the incredible range of allusions and cultural and historical references that populate this poem...from football and lager to nineteenth century French literature and allusions to eighteenth century British canonical poetry. The range of reference in this poem is astonishing. The highlight of the lesson was Ellie 'telling me off' for stereotyping bankers as 'greedy bastards'!

HOMEWORK: I would like students to produce a one [or two] paragraph response to the question:
                                                        CONSIDERING MEANING IN HARRISON'S V?
I would like students to focus upon form and the significance of the iambic quatrain. Why does Harrison use these allusions? Students should not just consider the thematic similarity between each text.
REMEMBER....consider whether it is possible to fully comprehend Harrison's aim in V if the reader is not aware of Harrison's use of the form and thematic concern of Gray's famous poem?

I would like this written work handed to Sam on Wednesday. I would like to mark this response before our next session. This paragraph will be useful for students when constructing our Tony Harrison essay.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

YEAR 12 FEB/MARCH 2017....

RERSOURCES FOR OTHELLO....All link to the 2016 RSC version that includes the first black actor to play Iago..
Is Othello a racist play?
Iqbal Khan:
Playing Othello:
Act 3 Scene3:
Playing Iago:
An Introduction to Greek Theatre:
Anthony Hopkins 'blacked-up' for Othello...what do you make of this?
Laurence Olivier...'blacked-up'!!! Again..what do you lot make of this??
Read the resource that I gave you last week within which  HUGH QUARSHIE offers his reservations about playing Othello... 

HOMEWORK: I stopped the last lesson twenty minutes into the session to discuss 'other matters' related to Sixth Form life. On Tuesday we will continue to discuss the play. The title for the next essay is..TO WHAT EXTENT CAN OTHELLO BE CONSIDERED A TRAGIC HERO?

Here is a potential essay structure:
  • The first critical paragraph must consider the character and the play within the context of tragedy. Othello can clearly be considered to follow the dramatic conventions of a tragic hero as Shakespeare offers evidence of HAMARTIA and HUBRIS. Students need to support their argument with appropriate textual reference. Is Othello's hamartia jealousy? Poor judgement? The inability to comprehend the complexity of love? The inability to perceive that Iago is a liar? WHAT DO YOU THINK? All commentary needs to be supported with clear textual reference. To what extent does Othello conform to Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero? 
  • The second paragraph needs to consider the significance of ACT 5 SCENE 2 as this is the moment within the play that may determine whether the audience view Othello as a tragic hero, tragic victim, or even tragic villain. A.C. Bradley believes Othello is a tragic hero but T.S. Eliot has suggested that Othello becomes a 'pathetic figure' at this point in the play. READ YOUR NOTES. What do you think? Which critic are you going to weave into your argument? When Othello attempts to cleanse Desdemona of her sin, is this heroic? Misguided? Deluded? Hubris? When Othello realises his mistake and becomes his own judge and executioner, does he become a sympathetic figure? Does the murder of Desdemona and the death of Emilia make it impossible to view Othello as a tragic hero? WHAT DO YOU THINK?
  • The third paragraph needs to consider the significance of language and form and how this allows Shakespeare to present the influence of Iago. Does Othello rediscover the 'Othello Music' at the end of the play? Does he rediscover his calm nobility? How does this use of language and symbolism enhance the tragedy? Use of soliloquy? Is the tragic nature of the play enhanced by the fact that Shakespeare allows the audience to view the successful manipulation of Othello by Iago but all the other stage characters remain ignorant of Iago's true character? Brennan describes the audience as being in a state of 'helpless frustration'. How does this enhance the power of the drama? How does Shakespeare want the audience to react? Why does he use this powerful from of dramatic irony?
  •  The final paragraph needs to consider the PITY and FEAR. Where is the PITY? Where is the FEAR? How is the audience to react if the play is to be considered a success? What is the contemporary significance of this play? Refer to the view of a critic. Arthur Miller? Tragedy as an 'optimistic genre'? 'Pointing the heroic finger at the enemies of human freedom'?  'Perfectibility'? D.H.Lawrence and tragedy being a search for 'truth'? What is the contemporary relevance of this play? You could link to a quote that presents the purpose of Literature. See your notes. Why is this play still being performed? WHY IS IT SO POERFUL? Does it have a universal significance? QUESTION FOCUS...I want the conclusion to offer a STRONG personal voice. Throw some FIRE in your words.

YEAR 13..MARCH 2017..

The last few lessons have been investigating the work of TONY HARRISON. Students should be aware of the following resources. This RADIO FOUR programme with BLAKE MORRISON explores issues linked to HARRISON'S 'V'. This is a cracker. GIVE IT YOUR EARS:
HARRISON READS V on BBC Radio Four...Audio Resource:
Part Two:
Simon Armitage interviewing Harrison is always worth your eye and ear time:
Simon Armitage interview...'Poetry is a form of dissent' :

Tomorrow's lesson [27th March] will involve discussing issues within Harrison's V and a consideration of the essay question: